The Yearbook Club

Get the Book: Coming soon to Kickstarter!

The Yearbook Club is an all-ages comic that follows the adventures of four tweens as they’re whisked to the past through their middle school library’s yearbook collection. Hollis Burncoat, Erin Bailey, William Durand and Snoozy Simmons will solve mysteries and see familiar figures in their lives in a whole new light with each and every issue.

The Yearbook Club #1 takes the middle schoolers to 1996, where they arrive just in time to see their parents’ friendship fall apart! New student Erin learns about her friends as they try to find out who really sabotaged Sterling Burncoat, Jennifer Durand and Monica Miller’s science fair project and save their parents nearly 30 years of animosity.

Creative Team

  • Kristi McDowell, writer
  • Jesse Lundberg, art
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