Enter the Museum: New Comics Anthology Open to Submissions

Calling all comics creators! Very Big Comics is proud to present MUSEUM OF THE UNCANNY, a new comics anthology collecting the tales of some very intriguing and wondrous objects. What are those objects? Well, we’re inviting YOU to tell us.

From the team behind the successful Fairytales from Mars and Pub Crawl anthologies, this new anthology will feature more talent, more thrills and more amazing stories.

Anthologies are a great way to take the first steps towards “breaking into” the comics industry. They’re also wonderful for those of us who make comics for fun, as the eight-page comics are small in scope and time-limited. Plus, you’ll get to make new connections, meet like-minded creators, AND see your work in print!

So, what are you waiting for?

Learn more and submit to the anthology!

Submissions close 14 June 2024, 11:59:59PM ET.

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