Welcome to Very Big Comics

JoyCat Comics and Bad Neighbor Comics are thrilled to announce their merger, creating a dynamic new entity in the world of comics: Very Big Comics. This exciting union brings together the creative minds of Kristi McDowell and Jamieson Alcorn, promising fans a diverse range of captivating stories.

JoyCat Comics, co-founded by Kristi McDowell and Sean Ian Mills, gained recognition for their series Gamer Girl & Vixen, a powerful supervillain lesbian love story that resonated with readers with their successful Kickstarter campaigns. The merger with Bad Neighbor Comics, founded by Jamieson Alcorn, introduces an impressive catalog of works, including The Pub Crawl Anthology and The White Ravens #1, a tie-in comic to the highly popular Dungeons & Randomness podcast.

This merger not only combines the strengths of both publishing houses but also expands the availability of their works. The extensive back catalog from Very Big Comics is now accessible digitally on the Global Comix platform, and physical copies can be ordered directly from the Very Big Shop on their website, verybigcomics.com.

Fans of Very Big Comics can anticipate an exciting lineup of no fewer than five new projects set for release in 2024. The creative minds behind the new entity are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of storytelling, delivering fresh and innovative content that will captivate readers across genres.

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